One of the special features of everysize has always been that the shoe size is in the focus for the user. This simplifies the shopping experience for the user and avoids frustration due to unnecessary clicks.
For this reason, many users start their search on everysize directly with their shoe size or click on the displayed sizes in the product detail.
But this is not the end of the user journey – after all, he makes the purchase at our partner shops. This means that the shopping experience and usability must be very high, even at our partner shops.
This is exactly where this blog post comes in. Today’s users expect consistently high usability. Everything else increases the likelihood of an order cancellation. This includes, for example, that customers who select a size on everysize, expect that this size is also preselected there in a click to the partner shop.
However, there are still dealers who simply preselect a standard size (usually the smallest available shoe size). Further negative examples:
- The customer chooses an EU size on everysize, the merchant only displays US or UK sizes and does not take the selected size. Customers who do not know their US / UK size, therefore do not know which of their EU size corresponds.
- If the preselected size is not taken over by the dealer, it may happen that a wrong price is displayed (see screenshot below).

These are just a few examples that cause irritation in the user and in the worst case lead to a purchase cancellation.
This problem can be solved very easily by providing the product deeplinks in the product feed with a size identifier as a parameter. This can be the shoe size itself, an id or an article number that clearly identifies the chosen shoe size. As soon as the user makes a ClickOut with selected shoe size, he will be redirected to the merchant with the corresponding product deeplink. Now, the dealer’s landing page (= product detail) only needs to read out the identifier from the parameters and mark the appropriate shoe size as selected.
Our analysis show: this small optimization really worth! Partners who already take this into consideration have on average a 25% higher conversion rate! In cases where the country key change (customer chooses EU, dealer only offers US or UK) it is even 40%!
So, it’s best to check if this usability hack or -bug (depending on your point of view) has already been implemented. If not: you should plan this ASAP for the next sprint! If you have questions, you can always contact us.